Episode Transcript
Ixchell Reyes 0:00
The DIESOL podcast

Brent Warner 0:02
Digital Integration in English as a Second or Other Language,

Ixchell Reyes 0:05
Episode 47 Summer of SAMR: Redefinition.

Brent Warner 0:25
Welcome to DIESOL. This is Episode 47. We are your hosts I am Brent Warner.

Ixchell Reyes 0:30
And I’m Ixchell Reyes. We’re coming to the end of the summer.

Brent Warner 0:36

Ixchell Reyes 0:36
Or it’s mid summer. I mean,

Brent Warner 0:39
we’re at the end. This is “R”. This is our our episode SAMR:R. Uh, yeah. How are you doing Ixchell?

Ixchell Reyes 0:48
I’m doing pretty good. I’m tired. Week three of face to face teaching. So it’s still a transition.

Brent Warner 0:57

Ixchell Reyes 0:58
How about you? How are you doing?

Brent Warner 0:59
Um, I’m doing okay. My I’m coming up on my last week of classes for the summer, and then I’ll get a little vacation. I’m going to go up to Washington. And so I’m looking forward to that. But Ixchell we can’t skip. It was your birthday. Happy birthday

Ixchell Reyes 1:18
I thought you forgot my birthday. What are you talking about? Trying to make it up to me now.

Brent Warner 1:25
Oh, now it’s public This is when everybody listens. What’d you do for your birthday? Now?

Ixchell Reyes 1:30
I got surprised zoom calls from friends. Which is interesting.

Brent Warner 1:37
Oh boy, geez, I did not do that either.

Ixchell Reyes 1:37
Yeah, you’re a pretty, pretty crummy friend. I’m severing ties.

Brent Warner 1:45
Ah – so I’m gonna justify, just because I have everybody’s birthday comes up on my calendar. And then yours didn’t come up. And I was like, well, it’s not on there. And actually, it is totally my fault. But the reason why it didn’t come up is because I I only it’s it kind of the way my calendar work. I use fantastical and it slides up past the birthday notifications if there was nothing happening on that day and your birthday was Sunday, right? And so I didn’t have anything scheduled for Sunday. So it just skipped me right to Monday. And I’m like, so I’m really sorry, because I should actually physically visit.

Ixchell Reyes 2:21
I’m kidding (laughter)

Brent Warner 2:21
Happy birthday! Did you get a nice presents?

Ixchell Reyes 2:24
Well, the best part was getting, you know, you know, people, people these days and things through Amazon especially. Or or just you know, from from out of state. I kept receiving gifts. I think I’ve received something every single day. Oh, that’s pretty good. Yeah. And I love that people always apologize. I’m sorry. I’m late. It’s like no, that’s like the best thing. You come home and there’s a gift for you. And you’re like, oh, thought of me.

Brent Warner 2:53
Yeah, you’re totally gonna get something from me within the next couple days too. Keep your eye peeled.

Ixchell Reyes 2:59
Last year you got me some cool books. I think you got me, um… I’m blanking out. It’s the internet book. Because Internet. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I love that book. So yeah, yeah, that was anyway, your birthday is also coming up.

Brent Warner 3:18
Yeah, it is coming up. I’ll be another year older and you know how we feel about that.

Ixchell Reyes 3:28
Like you forgot my birthday cuz you’s old.

Brent Warner 3:41
(Sound effects) So I have to say I found this website called International Phonetic phonetic alphabet.org. And it has a whole thing of IPA sounds and an IPA chart. And you can just click on the different like IPA symbols and it’ll play that sound for you. But it’s got one it’s isolated to different vowels and I’ve just been laughing all day long. It’s clicking on it.

Unknown Speaker 4:07
Oh, Aww, Uhh… (sound effects)

Ixchell Reyes 4:10
It sounds like beat-boxing right you know what’s funny, is a teacher next door to me is actually teaching a phonetics class. And we’ve had the door open all week because our AC is not functioning properly and so all the students over there Yes. That’s a phonetics class.

Brent Warner 4:31
Yeah, that’ll happen. So last thing, we’ll get we’re wasting time but we’re gonna get into this. It is August Ixchell and so there is a fifth Monday this month and we haven’t done a drink with DIESOL I think for almost almost a year now because we skipped one or two. So possibly drinks with DIESOL. I don’t know how you feel about it. I haven’t asked you yet but

Ixchell Reyes 4:55
possibly because I may be traveling overseas and that’s gonna fall at the end of the month when I’ll be likely moving living location. Oh, play it by ear.

Brent Warner 5:12
Okay, we’ll figure it out. So pay attention to the Twitter

Ixchell Reyes 5:15
If we do have if we do have drinks with diesel that that needs to be the sound when people get the answer wrong in my stump the teacher grammar trivia.

Brent Warner 5:25
All right, we’re stretching things out because we’re gonna have a little bit of a shorter episode today, we’re talking about redefinition, and I think we should get over to business.

Ixchell Reyes 5:40
So as a reminder, there’s a few episodes that actually go together in this in this series that helps you to get a little bit more of a background, Episode 28. It was the ISTE standards Episode 30, the tech standards, the TESOL tech standards, and then the previous two episodes, Episode 43. That was summer of SAMR substitution, and then Episode 45, Summer of SAMR modification. So if you haven’t had the chance to listen, go ahead and listen to those, it’ll give you kind of a background to our last episode of summer of SAMR.

Brent Warner 6:16
Yeah. And so we’re not going to spend a ton of time reviewing all of those things, because they’re kind of meant to go all together as like a little series of episodes, especially these last three, so 43, 45, and this one, 47. But just as a reminder, we did talk about this idea. So we’ve said S A substitution augmentation are kind of this idea of enhancement, right, like enhancing what can already be done, and then M and R modification. And today we’re talking about redefinition, are this idea of transformation, where it’s like you start getting into things that could not have been done before without technology. And so, so this is kind of what we wanted to look at here. And make sure that people kind of keep that mindset there, where it’s like, okay, we’re, we’re kind of, you know, it moves from one way to the other it sways, it shifts around, and, and it’s not, as, you know, locked down and isolated as one step to the next. We’ll talk about that a little bit more. But let’s, let’s jump into a redefinition. So, Ixchell, how would you define redefinition?

Ixchell Reyes 7:20
So redefinition is an entirely different product or experience, that’s the result of incorporating a real audience or real life problem solving. This would not ever be possible in the traditional model. So as you said, this is completely transformational. And it wouldn’t, wouldn’t be possible without without the tech tool.

Brent Warner 7:45
Yeah. So some of the things that you might think about is like, the way that I one thing that I think about when I’m looking at this level is I’m like, well, cell phones make things rediff redefined, right. So if we kind of look back at our traditional experience, I think this is becoming, you know, this might disappear in the future where people are like, Oh, I’m used to teaching without any technology, right? In the next 10 years, or whatever it is, right? There’s going to be a shift because they’re the all the teachers coming in, or like, I’ve always had tech, right, but, but there are still quite a lot of teachers out there who are like, okay, now, if I, if I, you know, cell phones, right, allow us the opportunities to not be tethered to anything as we’re doing our learning, right? So we can go out, we can do our field trip and engage in the learning at the same time as we’re interacting with other people. And as we’re putting together our projects, and, you know, there’s all sorts of parts to it. So that’s kind of one way. And we’ll get into the tools of the details in a minute. But I really liked what 10 Wynne said about this to the way that he phrased this, I thought was was useful to understand which he said on his page, and we’ll link to this into the show notes. He said, the distinguishing feature of redefinition is that technology encourages students to engage with real life problems and interact with authentic audiences. So for me, I kind of shifted, I have my own way of saying that, which is I like to think of when you get to the our level, I like to think of language acquisition as the byproduct of high engagement, meaningful activities. And so you’re not really focused on like, Hey, here’s a language skill. Here’s the grammar point that we’re going to be talking about, here’s the vocabulary words that you’re going to be using, but rather more almost more like, like natural language acquisition, where it’s just it’s part of what you’re doing. And then you you need to have that language in order to be able to get through the process. And so you’re going to be determined or motivated to figure out what that is or how to say it. But the assignment is not to learn how to, you know,

Ixchell Reyes 9:55
that portfolio at the end. Yeah, it’s

Brent Warner 9:58
not like well, it’s not even it’s Like, you know, it’s not the, you know, insert a noun clause here, but it’s like, Okay, how are other people doing this? How am I going to convey with this information that needs to be in here into my other and hopefully more meaningful product or you know, product or meaning, you know, the, the final project that the students are working on, or whatever that assignment happens to be. And we’ll, we’ll talk about a few of those as potential things. And then Ixchell one other thing that I wanted to kind of just kind of remind when we’re talking about this is that Quinta Dora, who we talked about, originally, he kind of came up with the Samer model, but his original model was a ladder, right. And we talked about this last time that it’s really, I think that’s kind of a does a disservice to teachers and to students to think of it like a ladder. And we shared that before. But I’d like to kind of think of it more like a grid, and even across grid where the ideas go from one to the other. So that’s kind of how we design the art for the art on the show notes for this one to kind of show the essay, MR. And that grid, and then they kind of point to different directions, depending on what you’re trying to do. You might think of it like a spectrum or a scale. And like, if you’re thinking of kind of a scale, it’s like, okay, being heavier, or being lighter doesn’t mean that’s a good thing, or that’s a bad thing. It just means that that’s at a different place. And you’re using one thing in a different way, or whatever that is so so and then finally, just kind of thinking of this idea that Sammer is more of a mindset than a definition, right? And you’re kind of going okay, well, how are we doing this? Am I pushing boundaries? Is this going to be valuable? Does this does doing this thing outside of the traditional model, make a difference and actually help our students go for those things. And so those are kind of, you know, just some of the the final final throwing out of ideas of philosophical approaches to SAMR. I don’t know if you have anything to add to that or not.

Ixchell Reyes 11:54
Now, I actually really love that SAMR is a mindset, not a definition. I love that. I think that that’s, you know, that’s how we should start all of our art art, the next episodes on SAMR mindset.

Brent Warner 12:08
If we do a workshop, you might hear that it’ll come up on a slide or something like that. Alright, so um, so these are some of the things when we come back from this little transition, we will share some potential tools and some ways to think about all of us. Alright, Michelle, um, I don’t I think we’ve talked about this website before, listen, notes, calm. But I found DIESOL on there. And I can’t remember, it looks totally different. But I did find that we are in the top 3% of globally ranked podcasts, which, how does that sound to you? Yeah, we’re totally amazing.

You, obviously, I’m very excited about it. So what I was, you know, it’s kind of silliness. I don’t know what that means to tell the truth. But it’s kind of fun to see. And that’s like a little fake statistic. You know, what are they? What does Mark Twain say? There’s lies, damned lies and statistics, the top 3% globally ranked. Alright, so if you guys are interested in supporting that, yeah, we’ll take it we’ll take whatever we can get. So if you’d like to support the show, please feel free to give us a review on your pod catcher of choice. I think Ixchell what’s happening, we are getting some, like five star reviews, which is really cool. But people aren’t writing anything up. And so next stage, write something up if you if you are able to. If you want to support financially, monetarily, you can send us Patreon. You can get into the Patreon at the $1, the $3, or the $6. Mark. That’s all available on the show notes and all those types of things. So thank you so much. And we’re happy You know, people are listening even bring

Ixchell Reyes 13:54
you extra stuff in there. Yeah, we’re getting there. We’re we were getting Yes. It’s been fun. We’re getting there, guys.

Alright, so let’s get into tools. And as a reminder, a tool is not in any level, any specific level of SAMR, a tool can actually accomplish these steps depending on the goal of the activity.

Brent Warner 14:18
That’s right. So let’s start talking about reading a little bit. One of the things that I like for reading and I went to this conference over the summer was the hypothesis. There, there’s like basically an annotation conference and I jumped into a few different sessions. Their hypothesis is h YPO, t h e s.ai. s. And basically what it is, is collaborative annotation and sharing. And so some of my colleagues in the English department use this and I’ve seen them do some pretty cool stuff. But basically what happens is you upload like a PDF or something, but it becomes a fully annotated thing. So it creates Columns kind of like inside of Google Docs, right where you click and leave a little comment. But you can actually go in and do entire, like assignment parts in there and have all of the students being responding to one prompt that you put in, and all students can log in, and then go see and read at the same time. And then when they go through, then they can respond to that part. And they can also look at each other’s comments on it. And so something like this is a pretty heavy level annotation, and also the opportunities for them to share it out. So I like this as a kind of a way of like, this is totally different.

Ixchell Reyes 15:36
So Brian, I have a question, because I’ve never heard of that. So how is it? And I’m just curious about the tool. Why would I want to use that as opposed to Google Docs? What’s the difference? Is that just another avenue for? For something like that?

Brent Warner 15:50
I think, yeah, it’s, well, one, it’s uploading a PDF more. So if you have like a PDF that you’re working with, but it’s also because of the way that it works, and from my understanding, and I haven’t gotten a ton into it, but it isolates all the information separately, per comment. And so you can actually say like, Hey, here’s my question. Now, only on that question, I want to see all the students responses in clear and organized way. And so it’s built. You know, like with Google, I feel like you kind of do shorter responses on the side there, like you kind of leave a couple sentences. I mean, you can do more, yeah, little comments. But this is really can be like, fully thought out. ideas, you know, you want to flesh all of your, your processes out and responses. And you can do all sorts of little different things inside of there. So, so I think it’s just if you’re looking to take it to kind of the next level, and if you’re, especially if your documents that you’re using are PDFs and like you know that whole conversion from sure you have to Google Docs is a pain in the butt, so so I could see definitely where that goes. And then it is free from my understanding. And then there’s like, there’s paid higher versions, but you don’t necessarily need but it’s, it’s definitely worth checking out. So hypothesis is that,

Ixchell Reyes 17:11
yeah, that that actually does sound transformational.

Brent Warner 17:13
Yeah, it’s

Ixchell Reyes 17:16
Yeah. And so for writing, of course, we’re back again, to Google Docs. And this is an example of a tool that can fall into any of those categories, right within SAMR. And in redefinition, you could use Google Docs with multimedia embedded. Yeah, yeah. And then you could have, you know, you could have everything all in one, Doc. But that would not be possible that traditional way. You can also now share that out for responses. Yeah, um,

Brent Warner 17:43
let’s go back to the multimedia embeds. Because they just announced a bunch of stuff inside of there. And like before, it’s like you would link to things and whatever. But now you can actually, like, when you click on it, if you put like a YouTube video or something in there, it’s like right there. And it plays it inside of the Google Doc. Yeah, I know. It’s, it’s really nice, since I like oh, all these little, these little features that they’re adding on to it. And so there’s a lot of those cool things that you can do with multimedia embeds. And I think you can even pull in now, Google Sheets, like directly into it. And

Ixchell Reyes 18:13
you can do that. Yeah. So there’s like, really nice.

Brent Warner 18:15
So those are like cool features that are really useful, depending on what you’re trying to get done. And then also, as you’re saying, Here, the sharing it out, like sharing it out is just amazing. Because you can just say, hey, world, here’s my work, right? I mean, that’s like a blog, right? So like you have it, you have a blog, but your Google, your your Google Doc as a blog, and it’s just like, here’s a single thing for anybody to go look at. Maybe you open up for them to leave comments on, maybe you open it up for people to edit and give feedback in editing. One of the things we’ve been doing, you know, is is when students are coming to teachers and our writing lab, you know, they’re showing it and they’re saying, hey, here, here’s where my editing needs, you know, this is what I’m trying to do with my editing. And you can look at it the same time I’m looking at it. We’re talking to each other through all of this. And so there’s just tons of cool stuff you can do and also Ixchell, I know I’m going crazy because of Google’s all their new recent announcements. But also you can I think you can do Google meets directly inside of Google Docs now, is that right?

Ixchell Reyes 19:17
You know, or it’s coming terrible ambassador. Since I’m not using Google meet at work, or for you know, for face to face for for distance learning. They have had a lot of stuff happening with Google me, but I would not be the person to ask right now. So I’d have to check back. But I wouldn’t doubt if you can’t just immediately schedule something through there. I think you’re I think you might be right where you can just if you have a document and you’ve you’ve shared that with somebody, you might be able to schedule the Google me immediately. Yeah, and yeah, you can. And the cool thing is and I was just thinking about it, you mentioned this, but I was out Recently, I was out sick. And my students had done their essays on Google Docs. And I’d given them the feedback already. So the assignment while I was out was to work on the feedback. So the instructor that was there, who was also online, somewhere else, was able to take a look at the feedback, and then help. And so again, like that, you know, was hopefully pretty seamless from what I heard. But again, I didn’t have to go in and explain, you know, the instructor could do that.

Brent Warner 20:28
Yeah, that’s great. So, so from the teachers perspective, that’s absolutely transformed or redefinition, and transformational. So. Alright, so next up is listening. There’s tons of cool stuff you can do with listening. Of course, one of these is listening to media with embedded comprehension questions. So for example, play posit or edpuzzle, where you’re actually playing this audio through and you’re pausing it, and then the questions come up, right. So you could do this as a as a video, for example, but it could be like, Hey, here’s the video, listen, listen in on what they’re what they’re saying, as a teacher, you could pre record it and just to him to into a black screen, or whatever. And you can plug it right into one of these response systems. So edpuzzle play pause it, you know, like, you play that you link in the the media source. And then you just say, at this point, I want it to ask a multiple choice question. At this point, I want students to have a little discussion at this point, I want them to, to give a short paragraph response, or whatever it is. And so that type of stuff, it just never existed before, right? Like, imagine like, I mean, we would have to if you go way back in the day, you’d be playing a tape originally or a CD, right? And then you’d like you’d pause the CD, and you’d hope it wouldn’t spin for too long, or you stop this tape and you hope the tape wouldn’t break, right? All those types of things. And now it’s like, not only are they responding right in there, but then you can collect all of the answers immediately. And if you’re in class, you can even project their answers up and say like, let’s look at what you guys are doing right now. I mean, that type of stuff is unbelievable. And like, I think some of us are starting to take that stuff for granted. But it’s like, so powerful.

Ixchell Reyes 22:15
I mean, I had I heard of edpuzzle, since before the pandemic, you know, it’s been around, but I didn’t actually get to play with it until very recently with my TOEFL class, and I had wanted them to watch a documentary, but I wanted them to watch at their pace. And then they had questions. And of course, you know, there, there are so many teachers who’ve been gracious enough to share quality work that they’ve done. So I didn’t have to reinvent everything. And I actually, you know, pulled some of their questions. And then as you said, I was able to then the next day, look at their answers. And I had told the students, we’re gonna take a look to see how concise how clear, and how, how complete your answers were, and then we’re gonna vote on them, right. And so we’ve done that before with other apps like Socrative, and stuff like this. But immediately, we were able to also go to the segment of the documentary, and now take a look at it again together, and then evaluate responses, which is, you know, it would have taken a long time to have done that through paper. Yeah, absolutely wouldn’t have time, we would have to cut out that activity

Brent Warner 23:19
to be like, sorry, guys, I lost this paper on the way to work today. Alright, so another one is for listening is mystery Skype, right? If you’re working, you know, all ages really kind of like this. It’s pretty popular with like the K 612. Crowd a lot. But like, you can reach out to other teachers and anywhere in the world and have people talking to each other and asking Yes, no questions or asking different types of questions. So they can listen to each other speaking and giving the answers. And they can speak to each other speak to people in different parts of the states or in different parts of the world and kind of try and figure out where they are specifically. I mean, there’s lots of different ways that you can use mystery Skype, but like, Hey, I’m just gonna call up another classroom in some other part of the world and start talking and listening to them and hearing what they have to say. That is a big difference, right? Like, I remember when I was a kid, did you guys have pen pals when you’re a kid?

Ixchell Reyes 24:17
I didn’t have them as I mean, I had my own pen pals later, but not in a classroom. And I always wanted one. I’d heard of

Brent Warner 24:24
teachers and programs. Yeah, we did this. And so it was like we would write back and forth when I was like, I think it was like in third grade or something like that. But you know, right, back and forth. And like over the course of the semester, and then finally we did this day, and this was all all in district, you know, so it was only like, they were only like, 15 minutes away. But like, we went to a park and like, we’re like, Who is that person? I don’t know. Like, I’ve only seen their writing. We weren’t sending pictures or anything. So it was just like, that would have been way prohibitive back then is to send a picture. It’s like no, you can’t you can’t take a picture and develop the film and then send it to a person you know, like, there’s no way that he’s gonna do all that but like now, you can just go pink Look at them on the screen. And like any hair, like anywhere in the world, like it doesn’t have to be someone that’s that we’re going to bust over and and meet them for 30 minutes for lunch or something one day, at the end of the semester, it’s just such a cool thing. So the listening skills on there, you can build a lot with with all of that.

Ixchell Reyes 25:21
And finally, for speaking, one of our favorites that we’ve mentioned before, as well, many times Adobe Spark, right, Adobe Spark, any I mean, here I am, I’ve used mostly what is the one with the images,

Brent Warner 25:38
post, Oh, my gosh,

Ixchell Reyes 25:40
what I always forget, I think they’re all just called Spark, Spark. Now they’re

Brent Warner 25:43
all distinguished. And now they’re all just one

Ixchell Reyes 25:47
part of the suite, the Adobe Spark suite, the Adobe Spark, post, and then spark video, you can recreate a presentation until you’re satisfied with the quality of right, and that in itself is going to require repetition that’s just built in, it’s going to be organic. And then students have this product that they’ve built, that they are tied to connect it to have maybe more pride in sharing, and then they’ve, they’ve participated in the creation process. And so that’s just more valuable for them. Right? I think that that, that just creates something that they’re proud of. Yeah, for sure. In addition to that, with all of that, you end up as a teacher having a collection of different samples. As a student, you’re able to also maybe save samples that are other students presentations, or if it’s on a presentation, let’s say you’re building posts on spark on idioms or ways to use noun clauses or ways to convey logical fallacies, you know, with a picture all of that, and now you’ve built a library of study material. That was not, you know, you would throw away things because you didn’t want to file them. So yeah, Adobe Spark is just amazing. Yeah, so much, so much there.

Brent Warner 27:11
So yeah, I love it. I’m doing a cool project, I think it’s fun for with my students, they’re doing like a local history, they’re figuring out something local in the area and learning about where they live a little bit. And since we live in kind of Orange County, a lot of a lot of my students kind of have this idea, No, there’s nothing here, right? There’s just, it’s just houses and there’s nothing and I’m like, oh, let’s, let’s take a little look deeper down. And they’re finding all these cool things to like, talk about and to share about this history of local places, and all these things. And so they’re doing presentations, through spark talking about whatever area of local history they might be interested in. So I’m looking forward to seeing how that comes out. Cool. Other things with speaking flipgrid with screen sharing, right? You know, they can just talk through ideas, they can work through how to do things on the computer. Or they can explain ideas through and they can make that all publicly available and get responses to if they like to depending on the settings that they want to set up for that. Right, so flipgrid, of course, and then and then of course, we can’t go without saying podcast. Right? So creating podcast with your class, like, there’s just so much cool stuff. My students have made some really cool podcast this semester. And, and they’re, they’re coming up with interesting ideas. And they’re figuring out how to format and they’re, they’re spending the time talking back and forth with each other, and figuring out that language process. And you know, I think I’ve probably said this 100 times on this show, but the biggest thing for me is not the actual product, but it’s the production of the product, right. And so it’s like, then going in and figuring out with each other, how they want to organize it, and how they how they’re going to use the tech to make it work and how they’re going to get it figured out and all those types of things. It’s like, Oh, you guys are spending so much time using English to negotiate with each other and

Ixchell Reyes 29:00
problem solving and working collaboratively and co constructing meaning and all that good stuff, right? It’s happening organically because he’s as you said, You’re they’re negotiating language in an authentic way through through solving a problem. And then of course, you get the pretty thing at the end, which is the podcast. But the process is just so valuable,

Brent Warner 29:22
right. And so that’s kind of what I’m getting back to that idea of saying language acquisition is the byproduct of high engagement, meaningful activities for them. Because that’s what they’re doing. They’re not really thinking that much about their English as they’re doing all those little side steps. They have to use English and they have to realize that they use it, but they don’t think oh, this is part of the thing that I am studying right now. And therefore I must make you know, they’re they’re just trying to get it and get that communication through. Which is so cool. So so those are kind of some of the things that you can look out for. This is a very, very brief overview. And there’s just so much more And I would love to hear from other people what you guys are thinking about people who are listening in how you’re maybe adjusting your tools to go through different levels of Sammer, how your how you think maybe you could definitely say, hey, Brian, Michelle, you guys are wrong, this, this should be this. And that should be that. And it’s cool, because I think there’s different ways to think about all of this. And so I would love to hear, hopefully, if you guys can send us some messages on tweets, or leave some feedback on the show notes for us. The comments are open there. So let us know. How are you using the Samer model? And how is it affecting the way that you’re approaching your classes?

Ixchell Reyes 30:41
Yeah, you’re all still listening to us right?

Brent Warner 30:45
Here, let us let us know.

Ixchell Reyes 30:51
Alright, it is time for our fun finds. And today I have an app that apps or Yeah, back to tech. So of course, Brian, as you know, I’m constantly traveling. I’ve been to Colombia this year, and I’m likely going to be traveling again. And I found this app found this app called Packer app, it’s p a c k. r Packer, ION I used it before a long trip. Planning a long trip. And you know, I used to have paper lists and then even lists on my Notes app. But this already puts everything together. If you’re going on a business trip, if you’re going on vacation, you just select the type of trip you’re taking and it gives you a template. Really? And then yeah,

Brent Warner 31:44
tell you like how many pairs of underwear you should bring in here.

Ixchell Reyes 31:47

Brent Warner 31:48
yes. And then you trust it? Or you’re like, No, I’m

Ixchell Reyes 31:50
gonna do more, or you can never take socks and underwear you can ever have too many of

Brent Warner 32:05
Okay, so yeah, so build a build.

Ixchell Reyes 32:09
And you pick the dates, it’ll tell you the weather that’s expected. And so you can you know, you can actually it’ll, you know, it’ll, it’ll adjust according to your location. So that’s pretty neat. And I don’t have to, you know, I don’t have to make my own list from scratch. It’s already kind of there. And the free version does enough that you don’t need to get the paid version. But if you’re a frequent traveler, you’ll probably want to spend I think it’s a couple of dollars, which I probably will end up doing because I want to support them.

Brent Warner 32:36
Cool. Well, I’m going on my trip soon. So I’ll check. I’ll check that out and added in. Yeah, check it out, figure myself out

Ixchell Reyes 32:41
know what you think. Awesome. Alright,

Brent Warner 32:43
So mine is a television show called snowfall. This is on Hulu. It’s part of FX. I think. If you ever watched the wire, a lot of people love the wire. And I love the wire too is great. This is kind of like the West Coast 80s version of the wire. It’s really interesting. It’s all about the cocaine and the crack cocaine cocaine epidemic and like South Central Los Angeles. But it’s all talking about how the CIA was importing cocaine from you know, South and Central America and how they were supporting all of the, you know, Nicaraguan or, you know, all the different all the different

Ixchell Reyes 33:26
Brent… are you outing people here?

Brent Warner 33:27
Oh, no, this was public. Oh, shoot, I don’t know. Who’s listening? (laughter) This is a public television show, you can see. So all of this stuff is just so interesting. It’s kind of cool. It gets into all these dynamics of how the drugs started getting spread out and all these things. It’s just like, it’s fascinating. It’s really worth it. Yeah. And it’s, it’s, you know, it’s drama. So it’s like, there’s like all this dramatic stuff going on inside at the same time. It’s because it’s fictionalized and things but it’s,

Ixchell Reyes 33:59
oh, I for some reason, I thought it was a documentary. No?

Brent Warner 34:01
No, no, no, no, it’s a it’s a it’s a, you know, based on truth fiction. Okay. And it deals with like, different aspects. So it’s like the CIA group, the, you know, the, the different groups out there so that were kind of dealing with and becoming drug dealers and all these different things and like how it’s, they even get pretty, pretty straightforward things that they wouldn’t have said back then. But they’re like, basically talking about how it’s like directly meant to be a racist program. And so..

Ixchell Reyes 34:31
Wow, yeah, 2021

Brent Warner 34:33
Yeah. You know, so they’re, they’re speaking a little bit more clearly at this about what was going on. So,

Ixchell Reyes 34:38
I’ll have to check it out.

Brent Warner 34:40
It’s definitely worth it. It’s a great show. So Snowfall FX and or Hulu.

Ixchell Reyes 34:52
All right, it is time for our wrap up. Thank you so much for listening to this show. Remember, as always, you could win a one of a kind DIESOL pin by leaving us a review on Apple podcasts, which we don’t have enough right now, a written review right,

Brent Warner 35:06
We’ll get a new one. At some point.

Ixchell Reyes 35:09
Yeah. If you’re giving us a shout out any other way, feel free to tag us on social media so that we know that you are sending us a shout out

Brent Warner 35:20
if you’re on Patreon, and if you want to support us on Patreon, that would be welcome. Where there you can find us on DIESOL.org slash Patreon or or patreon.com slash DIESOL I think one way or the other. We still have a clubhouse we haven’t jumped in a little bit over the summer we kind of slowed down and we’ll take a look at that again, but it’s still there. And shownotes if you want show notes and other episodes check us out. The show notes for this episode are at DIESOL.org/47 the number 47. And of course you can listen on voiceEd.ca You can find us on Twitter. The show is @DIESOLpod and I am @BrentGWarner

Ixchell Reyes 36:04
and you can find me on Twitter as well. Wait…

Brent Warner 36:10
Did you stop using Twitter?

Ixchell Reyes 36:12
I stopped using Twitter for a while. No, you can find me Ixchell @Ixy_Pixy that’s I x y underscore p i x y and yeah I’m there I’m still there I still read things just haven’t posted as often but I’m still there so if you message me I will read it.

Brent Warner 36:29
Wait, are you gonna respond to people if they message you?

Ixchell Reyes 36:32
You will message me first and then I’ll see.

Brent Warner 36:35
Send her a message saying Happy Birthday Happy belated Birthday

Ixchell Reyes 36:39
Oh, yeah.

Brent Warner 36:41
In Elvish Thank you is Ni ‘lassui. So Ni ‘lassui for tuning in to the DIESOL podcast. Thanks

In our last episode of SUMMER OF SAMR we revisit the fourth level of the SAMR model: Redefinition. Redefinition is takes us through the process of redesigning a task that would have never been possible without a tech tool.


R- Redefinition: Technology directly replaces a non-technology tool; the task is significantly redesigned, and the tech tool empowers ELs to create something that was previously inconceivable –( e.g. connecting ELs with an audience outside of the classroom)

  • Reading
  • Writing
    • Google Docs w/ multimedia embedded > Shared out for responses
  • Listening
  • Speaking
    • Adobe Spark (recreate a presentation until perfection)
    • Flipgrid with Screen sharing > publicly available > responses
    • Creating a Podcast
  • Other Resources Discussed:

Fun Finds

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