Happy beginning of summer! ChatGPT isn’t even a year old and we have seen the number of tools relying on AI grow exponentially since its inception. Is there something you want to try out before starting back in the fall? Here’s what we have for you! In this episode Brent and Ixchell give you twelve AI tools to explore this summer at your leisure.

Episode Transcript
Ixchell Reyes 
The DIESOL podcast. 
Brent Warner 
Developing innovation in English as a second or other language. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Episode 8712 AI tools to explore over summer. 
Brent Warner 
Welcome to DIESOL. This is episode 87. We are your hosts. I’m Brent. 
Ixchell Reyes 
And I’m Ixchell Reyes. 
Brent Warner 
Good morning. Good July. How are you, Ixchell? 
Ixchell Reyes 
Well, it’s it’s it’s afternoon for me. 
Brent Warner 
Good afternoon. It’s afternoon for me too. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Good afternoon. How you doing? 
Brent Warner 
I I am actually feeling pretty relaxed at this point, so like all this heavy stuff of wrapping up this semester, I told you last time you know my my father passed away. So kind of taking care of all of that stuff, but also on top. Of that, the getting my visa approved for moving to Japan, it did. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Oh yeah, did that go through? 
Brent Warner 
It did. And so I have my visa, my proper visa, I’ve got my all the things that I need, we’ve got our tickets. 
Brent Warner 
And so now it’s finally like, OK, like all the little things that you’re worried about that other people have to do. You know, like bureaucracies or, you know, just when you’re relying on other people to get stuff done. And now all that stuff is done. So now it’s just on me, which is much easier to deal with, you know? So it’s like I gotta finish my packing or, you know, cleaning up or whatever it is. But yeah, I’m feeling pretty good. So now I am. We have our date. Day departure day, I guess, is what. The D stands for this. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yes, that’s exactly. What it says. 
Brent Warner 
That will be on Tuesday the 18th, so we’ll have this episode and one more episode, and then I will be. Over across the Pacific. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Somewhere in the world. Yeah, so cool. 
Brent Warner 
Pretty well, I don’t have to be secretive about. Where I’m going, I’m going to, yeah. But yeah, so that should be pretty good. How about you? You’re doing OK? 
Ixchell Reyes 
Doing OK, just trying to survive the heat in Texas. It’s made National international news actually, because international. Fans are checking in. On me, I’ve heard about tax. That’s neat. 
Brent Warner 
Ohh, did your did your governor go skiing somewhere else like? At least. Or your your representative. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Well, no. They cut water, water breaks for construction workers, so there’s that. 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, we’re doing real well as a country here, like every. OK, let’s. All right. So today. So let’s not talk about the things that are bumming us out. Let’s, let’s talk a little bit about exploration. And so we were kind of talking and just said like, hey, let’s keep it a little bit lighter, let’s keep it. We don’t have to do so much research on this one, but we did search up a couple of tools that we’ve been wanting to explore. So, Michelle, you and I usually do an episode or actually we’ve been pretty consistent. The first episode of the Year has been. Yeah, yeah, feels. To explore right. And so this year, of course, I think we did throw a couple of AI things in there in that conversation because it was. It was starting to come. New but basically it. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Was like 2 months old. 
Brent Warner 
And it was. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Just the baby. 
Brent Warner 
It’s the baby, and now it’s now. 
Ixchell Reyes 
That’s a monster. 
Brent Warner 
It’s six months. It’s six months. It’s like a multi. 
Ixchell Reyes 
I mean, our episode was. 
Brent Warner 
But it’s like a millipede monster. Yeah, it’s just got. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Our our our episode on AI was it’s the end of the world as we know it. So we haven’t figured out where we are there so. 
Brent Warner 
But we did talk. We we did thought we we we done dude thought that I know it’s well my coffee is not kicking in for whatever reason. 
Ixchell Reyes 
That’s that’s usually me, Brett. 
Brent Warner 
I’m too relaxed the so we we just said hey, let’s let’s find some tools that we want to explore that we haven’t so much. I’ve been a little picky about AI tools as they start. Coming out because a lot of them were. Just this is just layering a a secret prompt on top of ChatGPT and and that that’s what the whole tool is, and then you’re paying separately for that. And I don’t have a lot of respect for that for that alone. But now I think there are more and more where people are really starting to figure out, like, OK, here’s here’s how we can customize. That AI stuff into. Needs that help with the specific output more clearly. So even though some of them probably are still pulling from open AI’s sources or whatever else it is, I’m starting to see ones where I go OK like that that has enough value because of what it’s producing or what it’s creating on the back end that I can see where people would want to use it. So I think that’s kind of. What we’re jumping into today, so we’re keeping it light and I don’t think you or I have explored many of these in depth. 
Ixchell Reyes 
No, but that’s what summer’s for. 
Brent Warner 
And so they’re just about. Yeah, that’s what our summer is for. So it’s just, hey, we might want to check this out. And then for everyone listening, please share with us. Let us know because we want to hear too, like, hey, you know, there’s all sorts of interesting things out there and there’s so many that come out every day, it’s impossible to keep. On top of so, as Michelle knows, I’m about to say. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Let’s dive right in. All right, so the first tool we have today. Is tweet at TW. E and I just played around on it a little bit. But it looks like something I might want to explain more and this is just another. I guess it’s geared towards teachers creating quizzes and then also you could have a a video to text summary. Or a quiz. So that’s new for me, where you’re looking at a video and AI is pulling from that. So that’s kind of cool. You could have questions generated from the video. 
Brent Warner 
So like it, it watches the video and it creates its own. Set of questions for it. 
Ixchell Reyes 
So I’m curious about that because I’m still like in, just like you skeptical about a lot of the tools especially. When they’re not. Perfect. But I also don’t wanna discount what it can’t. What where? It’s just showing where we’re going right where AI is going and what it can do. And again, AI is what someone wants to have a birthday so. So it’s kind of cool, but even it’s it’s full birthday. 
Brent Warner 
Happy birthday. 
Ixchell Reyes 
So I think to me. It’s worth checking out. I never heard of. It before so. 
Brent Warner 
So this interesting. So thinking of our language learners so, so this like it it tweet as as I’m looking at it you shared it here and it says AI tools for English teachers. But I’m wondering, like one of the things that I think is a big power play possibly here is for is to make these things for students. Right. And so I think that my students would really get a lot of value out of having a tool like this that’s going to create their own. Own because I see here it says create multiple choice questions. Open questions true, false things, find interesting. And so if a student could just click and apply that to a video on YouTube or whatever that they’re already watching and kind of interested in, and then they’re like, oh, and I can kind of test my English myself at the same time as I’m going with it. That’s I see a lot of value. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, well, one of the things that happens all the time, a students will ask, is there a place? 
Brent Warner 
Something like that. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Is there a website you know about where I can go and watch something and and answer some questions and test my knowledge. And yeah, there are. Some, but now the student would have access to everything, right? So if they wanted to watch a particular video and then test themselves on. That now they don’t have to. Search a website or search another place and I think that that’s kind of where. There’s a lot of value. 
Brent Warner 
And I think something like this too, because you could go learning, right? So you can jump onto the YouTube video and say, hey, I’m I want to check out this grammar video and someone explaining a concept and, you know these English, if you ever notice all the ESL grammar videos are always just someone standing in front of a rolling whiteboard. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yes, yes. 
Brent Warner 
Why are they? Why are? They holding? 
Ixchell Reyes 
I don’t know. 
Brent Warner 
Why isn’t there more innovation? 
Ixchell Reyes 
But there’s always this for like the introduction and the and the conclusion is longer than the actual content of it. 
Brent Warner 
In the US. So So what you’re saying is we need one that is more highly produced and gets right to the point, which that’s kind of Khan Academy to tell the. Truth, but but yeah, you can send students to Khan Academy as well. But anyways, yeah, so this is cool. This does seem to be teacher based at the moment which you know I like a lot of stuff that is teacher based and so you could maybe have some control over it. But but I also like the idea that maybe students could jump in and just figure out their own stuff. OK, so my. Nice is 11 labs and Michelle, I think you saw one of my presentations or part of my presentations where I deep faked myself. Did you see that video? 
Ixchell Reyes 
Who else? I did creepy. 
Brent Warner 
So this is where I this is what I used to deep fake my voice and so 11 labs I think it’s 11 labs dot IO and we’ll have a link in the show notes and I think it’s still in beta but basically it will take your voice and it will scan how you speak and then you can type whatever you want and it will speak that. Now in your voice, so you can fake your own. Voice that it lots of different potential. First of all, dark roads to go down there as well as potentially bright roads. So I guess we should be a little bit clear about that. But but it is an interesting idea where you can duplicate your voice. I have not tried it yet and one thing that I really do want to do is to. Try it out with having a couple of students trying speaking in their English, which has whatever level of accents, right? And so I’m interested to know how the quality of the voice would come out if it’s. If the intonations or the pronunciation is not always the same as or not same but is not along all standardized lines, right? And so all I really do want to test this out with some students and get like, OK, you’ve got like a Chinese English accent or you’ve got a Farsi English accent or whatever else it is. And see if that voice also. Tracks along with it, but regardless, if you’re going to be creating video or audio content for your students, and it’s a little bit overwhelming, but you want them to hear your voice, then you could just copy and paste text that already exists and then they could click a play button. So for example, what I think would really be cool. Here you shall. Take 11 labs, take some content that you want to have create your voice for it, and then and then output the audio file and then go into something like Google Slides and then and then you can make that your be your audio play button you know so you can say upload. Audio and then have a little play button on the slides and then it would be reading out your voice of certain things that you want them to know, but you don’t necessarily have had to have taken the time to to record one and one and one in one every single time. So anyways some interesting potential things there if you want to duplicate your voice. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Still think it’s creepy, can you? 
Brent Warner 
It is, I. Admittedly, I agree. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Please just get my name. Correctly please if if a I could do that eventually I’d be OK OK. 
Oh no, it’s. 
Brent Warner 
Never going to happen. That’s that’s actually the real the real Turing test is like, what is your name? And it’s is it he shall is it? Hell, which comes up sometimes. Michelle. Michelle, of course, is a regular one, which I I get, but it still is just not, you know, your name is the Turing test in 2020. 
Ixchell Reyes 
All right. So along those lines talking about slides, I’ve never used slide GPT or slide GPT. Yeah, but that’s the one that my students constantly mentioned. I found slides API. Similar, I don’t know if slides should PT costs any money. This one is 3 free presentations on month and what I thought was interesting. And I again, I don’t know if slides, you could see this is already, but it supports 100 languages. So I think that this is this is cool for me. Again, worth worth checking out. 
Brent Warner 
Export like, meaning you input in a in the whatever different languages and we’ll create for you there, OK. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, and it can translate to whatever language, yeah. So that’s that’s cool. That’s a, that’s an exploration. Point for me. 
Brent Warner 
All right. Yeah, the there are some slides, ones a lot of people actually ask me when I do presentations and slides ones. And I’m like, oh, and so I have seen this one, but again, I haven’t played with it either. So again, all of us, everyone listening, let’s hold hands, link, elbows and explore stuff as we keep going forward. So Speaking of exploring. This one’s pretty techie right now, but it’s definitely a clear sign of where things are going to go and become easier and easier. I shared this online of a a month or so ago and people are like interested in it or maybe not quite a month. But anyways, I shared a little while ago people were interested in it, but some people are like this is still too techie for me. But what you can do? Now is you can go in and create generative QR codes and so yeah. 
Ixchell Reyes 
That is cool. 
Brent Warner 
And these pictures. We’ll put one or two in the show notes or we’ll put the link to my tweet on it or whatever in the show notes. They’re so cool because what it does is it takes whatever the QR code that you have designed. So if you go. Into QR code for whatever you design this QR code and then you kind of combine it with what with a generative image. And so it will keep the QR code and all the things that need to be read with the transition, but it will also blend it together, and it turns out these amazing looking. Pieces of art. And they’re not just abstract art like they’re like pictures of people like walking around or there’s, like, a picture of like, one that’s like a aerial view of a city, like, top down. Like you’ve seen in some of those old, you know, like the old fashioned movies where they fly over the city. And so it’s like looks like a city top down. But then when you scan it? It’s a QR code or you know whatever else it is. 
Ixchell Reyes 
That so cool. 
Brent Warner 
So a lot of these things are pretty amazing and you can just say like what you want it to be. So I really see a lot of interesting potential for. Or especially for people doing things like breakout rooms or engaging students in the classroom. And then, like, you kind of have pieces of art around the classroom, and then the students finally figure out that they have to go scan them. That maybe these things are actually scannable, their QR codes, and then they’re gonna take me to a hint, or they’re gonna help me figure out how to talk about something or whatever else it is. So there’s a lot of really interesting. Potential for cool. Will you know interaction with students with art and QR codes here? 
Ixchell Reyes 
I’m going to see how. My classes I’m going to. Play with that. Next week? Cool. So yeah. 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, but I will. Warn you, you look at it, but it is a little bit. It’s a little. It’s actually fairly tech. You have to kind of download a couple of things from GitHub and whatever, but but I think. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Brent Warner 
It’ll come along soon, yeah. 
Ixchell Reyes 
We’ll try it. We’ll see if under my students is brave enough, be like, tell me what you find. OK. Explore the next the next tool is called one way. And it allows you to generate images and short videos. So if you wanted to, I don’t know, generate an image of a. You want a gigantic wave and a shark jumping out from the ocean. You could prompt it to do that, and it’ll do it for you. It the the free version is limited, but it’s enough to get you started. Did and you could also do videos so it can actually move things around. You could upload on your own images and your own video clips. They’re just going to be short, but where I see this could be fun is where you are building slides where we’re actually building a video, putting together a video, and you want to have transitions, and you even have kind of interesting. Imagery I think that would be really cool. 
Brent Warner 
That’s cool. 
Ixchell Reyes 
So it’s more of a artistic, I guess when if you’re making a video or if students were making a video, I think that that would be kind of cool. I think you had. You had something on Twitter where? You had shared building. My friends. 
Brent Warner 
You’re talking about the the minimal pairs. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Minimal pairs. Minimal pairs. And you. And I think that is something really cool because now students can talk about a picture. They can talk about they can describe a picture or they can see how interesting their picture can get based on. Something like that. 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, well, you know. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Or if you’re trying to do a grammatical point or have or illicit. Particular speech I don’t. 
Brent Warner 
For sure for sure. So yeah, the the minimal pairs thing I was doing was, you know, was like, you know, bees on peas or something. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, it was so cool. 
Like that. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Thought it was great. 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, and it was fun for sure. And then, but then what? I was thinking, you know, there’s a lot of playroom with images and language learning here inside of this too, right? Because you could do those things that are minimal pairs, of course. And I think that is a fun thing to play with. But also like just the traditional activity of like you describe something to another person and then the other person just, you know tries to. Draw it right, but you could you could do an actual intermediary with some of this generative AI art like this with runway. Where one person could type a description, it could show up as the picture and then the other person is then going to look at that picture and then try to, uh, try to write out the description of what it is. So you could almost do like a game of visual telephone, you know, like which we should call it facetiming the FaceTime. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, yeah. 
Brent Warner 
What’s a visual? I don’t like that zoom man. I don’t like any of those. We’re gonna find another name. But but something like that, right? Where it’s like. Kind of a telephone game, but like with pictures instead of with and and it’s generated through AI. 
Ixchell Reyes 
It’s almost like. Like the Japanese ****** 30, but with images like that concept, right? 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Yeah, exactly link. Linking one to the next right? I mean, there’s the, there’s the. Yeah, that that’s the idea that we’re looking. At so. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Image link I don’t know. 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, we’ll we’ll come up with the name for it. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Picture photo. 
Brent Warner 
And then here’s what we’ll do. We’re gonna come up with a name for this single. Simple idea and. Then we’re gonna write an entire book about it, and then have you ever noticed how people do that? It’s like it’s like, that’s cool idea. It’s one idea. It’s not a book, but they make a. Whole book out of. OK, this is the world we live in. My next one, so Speaking of writing these things out, this is actually a really important one inside of the world of of AI and generative texts and all this stuff. So there’s this one called structured prompt and I’ve been talking a little bit about this in my presentations recently. The big thing that people are really going to need to know is how to prompt. AI right? It’s not all the other things. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Brent Warner 
There’s lots of conversations, but at the end of. Say I heard an interesting podcast and this guy, Scott Galloway. He’s a professor. He’s he’s pretty well. He’s quite well known, but he he basically said AI isn’t gonna take your job. People who know how to use AI are gonna take your job and. I was like. Yes, that’s. That is the term right. That is the way to say it and so. So I really like that idea and so this this website called structured Prompt basically helps you build out these quite complex prompts, and so one that they had come up with that you can put into ChatGPT is essentially like an old fashioned zorc type of thing. So it’s like the old. Old computer games where it’s like you would type something and it would respond to you and you know you could do this and you can do that. And so it sets up all these parameters, and then you’re just having a text adventure game inside of ChatGPT. And it’s really cool. So you can do the variations of these, but you can go all sorts of places. So what I’m going to be using this is to. Play with like, hey, how’s it gonna work if I try to have it? Give students feedback based on a rubric? For example, right? That might be a layer one. There’s lots of conversations, so everybody don’t get upset. I’m not. I’m still doing my own. Great, all that. But what I’m saying is that students can use some of these things to say, well, am I hitting these things? What am I getting at, right or maybe? And whatever else it is that you’re trying to get in-depth prompting to and a little bit more accurate, so structured prompt is one of these, and I think you have to sign up for it. I signed up and got in pretty quickly, but. It’s it’s definitely very cool and I think this is kind of where the future of people who really want to know what they’re doing is going to be. Around this prompting stuff. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Very, very cool. So the next tool is called Cure pod and this you said you in the pre show you’re talking about how you got to meet or or you saw the the reps at Q and this is the first time I’ve heard of it. So it’s kind of a cool place to also. So jump in, jump in, dive in and explore. But it can generate slides and when I logged in to take a look at the interface, because I I don’t like things that are overwhelming, because if if it takes me a lot of troubleshooting and I’m OK for the most part, troubleshooting and playing around but not every teacher is and I love getting reluctant teachers or the ones that are. Maybe afraid to explore to try. And so this this doesn’t seem intimidating. The interface is fairly simple and you can generate slides and then it will also generate discussion questions. You get also and as you shared this with me, but then. I got to. Play with it in the same way that parodic does activities within the slides you can. You can do the same. With Cura, pod. And you can save the slides and then have notes that you can generate, print them out for students, and you can take goals, etcetera. It’s all. It’s all just. I just thought it was cool and it was fairly simple and it look. I I saw like maybe 8 buttons with pictures but that was like oh, I know what that means. I know what what that means and I could click pretty easy pretty easily to. Get to like a. Sample so I like that that was curable. 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, yeah, there’s a lot of cool stuff. I I I played with it. I think I used it once just as a during, like a informal chat with students last time. And I met those I met a couple of those guys and I think it was. I want to say. Eric and Jens maybe were the two guys walking around and and introducing themselves and showing what’s going on. And so it’s definitely start up and it’s. Know it’s like getting, you know, getting its feet in. But a lot of people are really interested in it. You see a lot of people sharing and talking about it. So, so pure pod is an interesting one. And then like what you were talking about, the interactive part. Like click that button and you get a game going or like it’s like brain break time click and then all the students are suddenly now. Playing like a little novelty game for, you know, 30 seconds a minute. Whatever else it is. And so it’s it’s a really. Will lots of little options in there and and then you just type in. You say, hey, today we’re going to study about the history of. I don’t know the history of Coca-Cola and then you type it in and it can actually start your slide deck for you, for you know to get you kicked off for that. So I do like where that’s going. So my next one and this is 1. Again, I haven’t played with at all yet, but it’s called speech ace SPECHACE and basically this. This is what I’ve been looking for for a little while with this AI stuff is. Where are they going to start getting people talking to it right? And so this one is. Students can go in and they can start. Pronouncing individual words or saying sentences and then it will give them some AI feedback on what they wrote. But then the cool part is that there’s two parts. So there’s like kind of the back end to it. And then the a teacher can still go in and listen and and give their own feedback as well to students. And so there’s a platform inside of there. It’s not the most clean looking, but it it seems to work and it seems to be kind of getting started so students can go in, record their little parts. If they’re beginners, it might just be a word or two. If they’re more advanced, you can create a script for them and then and then it goes and gives them some feedback. Inside of there gives them information on how to maybe improve those little parts and then and then it goes into a stored system. So then the teacher can also go in and look at it, use it for whatever else they’re going to use it so. Speech ace. It’s almost like and I will be surprised if this isn’t happening, but it’s kind of like that Google pronunciation tool that I share a lot, but a little bit, but with an option to interact across multiple people, which I like a lot. So speech Ace is there. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Very cool. Next is conquer again. First time I’ve explored or looked or heard about this. It creates quizzes on any topic and it can translate the results into several languages. But the feature that I thought was kind of. With exploring ways that students can join a quiz, and I’m curious to. See if this. Is similar to to hoot in that sense. And so that’s the feature I would want to explore because I think with so many AI tools, we’re going to be seeing just a range of quiz generating. Website and well, that’s great. I want one that can do a lot more than just doing the quiz because I could do that just on regular old ChatGPT. 
Brent Warner 
Right. Yeah, I I think conquer is actually made by the people who make Moat. And so, yeah, so there’s a there’s some definitely some interesting potential in there. 
Ixchell Reyes 
OK. OK. 
Brent Warner 
But I don’t know, I’d have to again, everybody, we’re gonna go explore but I think. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, you can explore. 
Brent Warner 
Exports as Google, Google. Maybe or something like that too so. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Ohh that would be cool. 
Brent Warner 
So there’s some and and then thinking about how you might link that to other things, right, with using other, so like how that’s going to connect to spreadsheets? 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, yeah. 
Brent Warner 
And then. Spreadsheets or whatever, right? So there’s some really, you know, if those get played to get put together, well, I think that’s pretty cool. 
Brent Warner 
My next one is kind of a connection to my previous one, so the speed chase was the first one, the second one, and I actually talked to the founder of this and I tried to use it last semester. I just got overwhelmed with too much, but it’s slow a little bit, a little bit. 
Ixchell Reyes 
If you get a. Chance at all. 
Brent Warner 
I did share it with my students. They did. Some of them, jumped in and tried to use it, but I wasn’t able to like. Properly integrated, I was like, hey, let’s check this thing out. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Brent Warner 
Here it is. Sign up and and the founder was really nice and tried to help me out with it and I I kind of I I. Failed in my own ability. To get it to get it fully going, but but it was pretty cool. So it’s called flow and the website is flow speak dot IO and basically it’s already got lessons built into it. So same kind of thing. As as the speech phase one. But I think it’s a little bit more clean and built into the app and so it’s really kind of meant to be on your phone. But like but then it goes into all these categories that are already pre made. So it’s like hey students need to learn how to talk at an airport or how to go to a post office or whatever else it is and then they’ll give these little dialogues that you can kind of repeat and practice and then they’re building in little AI options so that the feedback is already kind of tying in with the AI stuff. And so it’s saying, hey, this is how accurate your pronunciation. Your intonation, whatever, and it gives you little hints inside of there as as you as you go through it or as the students go through it. But then also you know you can also kind of customize it, so if they’re just short, little lessons almost. Like Duolingo, length, like 2-3 minute lessons and you just kind of jump in and try something out and then see how it goes. So I think this one actually has a lot of potential. It’s a little bit more clean and polished than the other one, but but they’re serving slightly different purpose. They would probably overlap. You probably choose one or the other. But, but you would want to go look at them. So anyways flow is seems to be a really great one. That I want to explore some more. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Very cool. Alright, well, my last share is flicky Fliki.AI and this is a flicky flicky flicky. 
Brent Warner 
Yes, I like saying that. (laughter) 
Ixchell Reyes 
Uh, it generates transcripts, and you can go from from video and audio and then it will just generate. Yeah, just the regular transcript. But the feature that I thought would be worth exploring is where it has a portion where you can create a book. And I thought like that’s kind of cool. So is it where you’re speaking to it or uploading audio? And then it creates your like a like a digital book. And so I wanted to explore that. So I thought, OK, that’s kind of cool, so. 
Brent Warner 
Like like a book that you would like turns into a PDF? 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, I think like I think it’s like a PD. 
Brent Warner 
Or does it go out to emobi? Or something that. 
Ixchell Reyes 
I think it’s like a book generator. OK. So I immediately thought of, oh, my gosh, the Google tool. What’s up, books? Google books. No, no, no. What is? Read it to. You or you can create your own book. My gosh I. Can’t think of. 
Brent Warner 
Ohh book creator. 
Ixchell Reyes 
It right now the Creator, the creator. Is it Google or is it? It’s it just and I need to review. 
Brent Warner 
I thought was an independent company, but OK. We all need to go exploring a little bit more. You know, the crazy thing about that one book creator has, like, some very ******** fans, like people who are into it are like this, everything. 
Yes, yes. 
Brent Warner 
And they are screaming at us right now for not. 
Ixchell Reyes 
There’s some amazing stuff. No, no. So it’s not. A Google thing it just. Yeah, it’s you’re right. It’s its own thing with creator. 
Brent Warner 
OK, so maybe Flicky could link out to that or maybe. Connect to. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, I didn’t. Again, I didn’t explore it, but I saw that and I thought, OK, that’s interesting. That’s why I. Would want to. Choose to explore this over just your regular. I don’t know. What do we use for the transcription? 
Brent Warner 
Right now I use Otter. 
Ixchell Reyes 
That’s right. OK, but again. But there’s so many other tools. 
Brent Warner 
OK. And we’ll see if it gets your name. And my last one is Firefly. So Adobe made a big splash with their Firefly, so that’s their generative AI thing, right? But I was never able to play with it until a little bit now so. So it’s like it’s like sign up and get on the week and it’s like, well, maybe announce it when I. You can just get in, but anyways it’s out there now and it’s very cool if you go and look at the Firefly page. A lot of the things that they can do or that that that are coming soon as features are super impressive. So some of them and I’ll I just put a little list of the things that I liked it. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re all out right now, but they’re probably coming soon if they’re not. So one of them is upscaling low resolution images. I like that. A lot because you know, like if you have old pictures from your flip phone that are like super super digital, you could actually probably run it through there and it would scan it and then update it to high. You know. High definition. So it looks clean on a modern computer. Mixing and matching up multiple images. So you like, upload 2 pictures together. So it’s like if you uploaded a picture of you know you you shall, yeah. And then at the beach it might put you surfing on the beach or something like that. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Riding a horse. 
Brent Warner 
The extended background, I think that’s pretty common. A lot of people are starting to see that and play with that. So it’s like, oh, I want it to fit a certain size, but it doesn’t fit, so the heads too, you know, heads is not the right size. So you can stretch out the background and it will do like a a predictive background, which is pretty good. And then here’s something I saw in there too. So once you generate so you do a text to image generation, right? So you say, hey, you know, draw me a jar like create a jar of candy on a table and it’ll do that, but then it looks like you can export it to Photoshop and you can actually select the element. So you could select the jar in Photoshop and then you could actually shrink it down or make it bigger. 
Ixchell Reyes 
That’s cool. 
Brent Warner 
I’m like, oh, that is so cool, because there’s it’s not just one image, it’s a layered out image where all the parts are doing their own thing. 
Ixchell Reyes 
That is really cool. 
Brent Warner 
That’s right. And then, you know, they’re coming up with other things. So one is sketch to image, which is like you can draw a sketch picture and it will turn that into a high quality AI image, which I kind of. Like because. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Hey, is that like Crayon? Crayon AI? 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, uh, I haven’t seen that. 
Ixchell Reyes 
You heard of Crayon? 
Brent Warner 
Is that the same idea? 
Ixchell Reyes 
You sketch something and it’ll turn it into something else. Like it’ll turn it into a. Different uh, its own rendition? 
Brent Warner 
Yeah, it’s it’s supposed to be like a higher quality version of whatever you’ve drawn, right? 
Ixchell Reyes 
It’s cool. 
Brent Warner 
So so like, if you’re just like, if you have ideas you’re trying to sketch out, but like, you can’t get a good vision like, you know, I know what this one should look like, but my drawing is bad. Add then maybe it would turn yours into like a better a really good quality image of what you’re actually looking for, and then the last one in here. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Very cool. 
Brent Warner 
And so this is kind of all combined together under Firefly, but super cool. They’re also developing text to templates, so if you’re using things like Adobe Express where you know like. Here’s the template. It has the picture. It has the text up here. It has whatever down below information, hours whatever you’re putting. Like, if you’re making a flyer or if you’re making. A page you’ll actually type in what you want the template to look like. So you would say I want a picture on the left. I want the banner image at an angle across the from the top, the bottom left to the top right. I want the dates and the bottom whatever and then it will create a template version so then you can customize the information including the text later. But you have kind of the. Setup for what the rough layout should look like, and then you’re going in and customizing the content inside there. So let’s say you’re ready to build a flyer, but you don’t know the. Time of the event that you’re going to have, it hasn’t been decided yet. You could still plan it all out. Have the template ready to go and then just throw in the last part of the last minute there. So really really cool. Interesting potential there Firefly is, you know, I mean, Adobe has really jumped in with this image side of things. And I think there’s going to be some some really cool. Parts and I think a lot of people are also going to almost not recognize that these are AI integrations into into these it’s gonna it’s starting to get there soon. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Very cool. 
Brent Warner 
So lots to explore again everybody. Those are just a handful to play with over the over the the summer break. If you happen to have one, but please do share with us if you’re saying, hey, you guys didn’t talk about this, it’s going to be awesome, especially if it’s for language learners. Let us know because we want to kind of keep keep keeping track of all of these things as we move. Forward and I’m also trying a failed in the last month, but we’ll be updating the AI and esl.com website too. And so if if people have ideas or things they want to share, please do please reach out. We would love to keep adding more to it and helping people find ways that they can work with it with their students. 
Ixchell Reyes 
All right, it is time for our fun fines. And this time I have a a beauty product well. It’s more of a health product, OK? So I’m a runner and as I get older. Joints start to hurt. 
Brent Warner 
Ohh, are you getting older? I decided not to do that. 
Ixchell Reyes 
I think I’m getting older now and I think I’ve come to terms, so it is a B lab halogen supplement and this is a powdery just little powder supplement that you take at night. It is marine collagen which the body absorbs better. Then the I think the regular halogen is or. 
Brent Warner 
Army collagen versus marine collagen. 
Ixchell Reyes 
You’re old. That’s a bad. 
Brent Warner 
Old man. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Joke, but a lot of collagen products. 
Brent Warner 
The old man. Dad jokes. 
Ixchell Reyes 
If you’ve ever had them with the supplements they they have an after taste and most people don’t like that after taste, even if you. Mix it with the. Drink but this. When it’s a Korean product, it it just tastes like Milky Berry product. Yeah, it’s kind of like it’s makes it like chowder milk like powdered milk, like Berry milk. 
Brent Warner 
Is that an official flavor? OK. 
Ixchell Reyes 
It tastes like candy. It tastes like candy. 
Brent Warner 
Berry flavor. I like it. 
Ixchell Reyes 
It’s really good. So it’s a B lab legend. 
Brent Warner 
Lab collagen. Alright, good. So mine is an app. It’s called the time Shifter app and I haven’t tested it yet, but I am going to. So Speaking of getting older, this is actually helps you travel through time. In the sense that you might be flying to a different location and you get jet lag and So what this what this app does is it’s actually pretty interesting. It’s like it’s designed to help you have minimal jet lag and so it’ll be like, so you tell it, hey, this is when I’m flying, this is when I’m landing this is and then it’s like, OK, here’s your time zones that you’re going through. 
Ixchell Reyes 
That’s cool. 
Brent Warner 
And then it it will go through like it’ll say, hey, the day before go to bed one hour earlier or go to bed two hours earlier or whatever else it is, and then it’ll say and then try to have caffeine at this time. And then when you’re on the plane, you know, put on your. You know, put on your sleep mask at this time and take a melatonin at this time or whatever else it is. And so it really kind of walks you through the processes and it’s also flexible. So if you’re like, hey, I wasn’t able to do that or it told me to sleep on the plane, but I can’t sleep on the plane. And so it’s just like do the best that you can to reduce the amount of jet lag that you get over the? Over the portion. And so, since you know, since I’m going to Japan, I’m like, OK, well, I really want to try this. And the first trip they let you do for free. So I’m like, OK, this is a pretty big one. And so I’ll be testing it out with this first trip and trying to kind of keep up with what it’s telling me. But it seems like it’s pretty interesting. A lot of people. The reviews on there, like actually it really helps, it’s not not 100% perfect but it’s. Way better, like I I I end up not having three or four days when I go to, you know, travel overseas or whatever. And so I am really interested in taking a look at this and kind of seeing how it works and it customizes it for you too. So you’re like, hey, this is the kind of lifestyle I live, I don’t know. Whatever else it might be. And so so yeah, there’s some really interesting possibilities with the time Shifter app. 
Ixchell Reyes 
And we should found this before I went to Taiwan. 
Brent Warner 
Did you have bad jet lag? 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yeah, 13. Hours. Yeah. Wait. Yeah. 
Brent Warner 
Well, but you can I I found it now. So next time you go to whatever country, you can take a look. But yeah, time shift wrap first. First flight is free. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Alright, thank you for listening. Please share the show. Buy us a coffee during our Patreon, or leave us some feedback. And if you’re giving us a shout out any other way tell. Us on social media. 
Brent Warner 
And for show notes and other episodes you can check out DIESOL.org/eight seven. That’s the number 87. And of course you can listen to us at voice, add Canada, that’s VOICED dot C. The A ohh my gosh Twitter is so bad. Every time we talk about it’s like it’s gonna it can’t be getting worse. So bad, right? Now, but it has. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Yes, I have maybe, maybe, maybe next. 
Brent Warner 
Got worse. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Month going to be better. 
Brent Warner 
It’s like literally. Ohh you’re allowed to look at at 300 tweets and then you’re done for the day. It’s like that’s seems not like. A good. Business model. 
Ixchell Reyes 
So our listeners are seeing that curated downfall of Twitter because every two weeks we see where it’s been. 
Brent Warner 
We’re living through it anyways, if not there. 
Ixchell Reyes 
We’re on Gmail. 
Brent Warner 
Somewhere, if you can find the show, it’s at @DIESOLpod. But if you can’t find the show because you and I tend to try and make the counts everywhere, we talked about this last time. Mine is at @BrentGWarner and Katie did get me a blue sky invite, so I’m also on blue sky there as well. 
Ixchell Reyes 
Alright, so I’m still on Twitter and that’s at @Ixy_Pixy, I X Y underscore P I X Y.  
In Thai, thank you is Khaap Khun. Khaap Khun for tuning in. To the DIESOL podcast. 
Brent Warner 
Thanks everybody. Have a good one. 

1.Twee – Create quizzes, use video and audio to create activities

2. Eleven Labs – Voice Duplication

3. Slides AI – Alternative to SlideGPT

4. Generative QI Codes – QR Codes embedded in custom images.

5.Runway -Generate images and short videos

6. Structured Prompt – helps build thorough prompts

7. Curipod – Generate slides, discussion questions, and activities within slides

8. SpeechAce – Get AI and/or Teacher feedback on speaking fluency and pronunciation.

9. Conker – Create quizzes, translate into several languages, students can join a quiz

10. Flow – More speaking practice.

11. Fliki.ai – Transcript / text generator from video and audio

12. Firefly – Lots and lots of visual options like upscale low res images, mix and mash up multiple images, generate extended background

Fun Finds 

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