Chatting with Carol Salva:
In this freeform conversation, we talked about a LOT of different ideas and resources. We did our best to capture the biggest conversation pieces here!
Carol Salva
Carol Salva is an award-winning teacher, the co-author of Boosting Achievement , and an educational consultant for teachers of English Learners, newcomers and students with limited educational experience in American schools. Her passion for supporting teachers of newcomers is both contagious and inspiring.

Carol’s resources:
- Website
- The Boosting Achievement Podcast
- Boosting Achievement Book
- Carol on Twitter: @MsSalvaC
QSSSA – Question, Single, Stem, Share, Assess – (+rubric)
Emily Francis – @EmilyFranESL
- Emily’s First Blog Post – New Land, New Opportunity
Katie Toppel – @Toppel_ELD
Tan Nguyen – @TanELLclassroom
Larry Ferlazzo – @Larryferlazzo
- #ELLChat – all week long chats
- #ELLChat_bkclub
Fun Finds
Carol: VoicEd Radio
Ixchell: Apieu Madecassosside Lip Cream
Brent: Nathan Pyle’s Strange Planet